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Goal setting

Writer's picture: MyohoMyoho

Updated: Dec 16, 2023

Blue diary on a pink background

Nurturing my relationships

I want to have better relationships with my friends and family. There are areas I can improve on, for instance my communication. How will Buddhism help me? I will work on myself by focusing on my own human revolution. I’m sure there will be challenges this year, but I will keep in mind the concept that one's life and environment are one, inseparable (esho funi).

To overcome those challenges, I will chant to see them as opportunities, study Nichiren Daishonin’s writings as if they were addressed to me and get guidance from a faith leader to make sure my chanting is directed at the right place.

Better physical health

Allow my body the rest it needs and get plenty of exercise. I require 9-10 hours’ sleep (yes, really) to be on top of my game. I rarely get that, more in the region on 7 hours and I feel like a zombie with headaches resulting if I continue in that fashion. By prioritising gongyo every morning and evening I will be in rhythm with myself and maintain discipline which I realise I’m lacking in many areas of my life. I do gongyo daily, but when I’m in a rush I’m doing it on the train or bus. Establishing a gongyo routine where I dedicate at least the first 10 mins of however long I want to chant for to myself, will help.

Focusing 100% on my creative ideas

Last year I was timid with many of my creative ideas. A faith leader I had the pleasure to support at my local Buddhist centre said that we don’t have to be the same person we were last decade. Thanks to her reminder that it’s not just a new year but a new decade, I am going to go steaming ahead with my ideas. To deal with any doubts and to boost my motivation and inspiration, I will study Nichiren Daishonin’s writings and the works of Buddhist philosopher Daisaku Ikeda.

I would love to get to a stage where I am chanting 2 hours daily about my determinations.

What are your determinations for 2020?

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